“Words fail to convey the total value of yoga. It has to be experienced,”

B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga is effective for every body, and if you’ve never done it before or you think you’re not flexible enough, well, there is only one way to become flexible! During and after menopause, yoga can play a critical role in maintaining balance in your life. It strengthens just about every system in your body you can think of and just 20 minutes a day can drastically change your life. Yoga is especially helpful in menopause when we consider our bones and hormonal health. Daily practice helps decrease bone loss, balance hormones, and builds balance and stamina, both important factors in preventing bone fractures. We’ll focus on opening the hips and strengthening the pelvis and core with some Warrior postures and forward folds. And as with INDIGO coaching, you will find a safe, non-judgmental space with INDIGO Yoga to explore your own practice. You’ll be encouraged to consider how you practice instead of what you practice. You’ll find space to nurture your capacity to create mindfulness, self-love, and a non-judgmental awareness opening space in your body and mind. Most of all, when we spend time in our bodies we heal our bodies, and it’s only from this healed space that the body begins to feel safe enough to let go, to create change, and to trust something new. If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live? I look forward to sharing my practice with you!


A 45 minute slow flow practice with a focus on stretching the back body.

A strong 45 minute practice for balance with lots of standing postures.

An hour long, heart-opening practice with some fun arm balancing.

Allow your soul to find peace in the present moment with this strong, but slow 45 minute practice for the hips and shoulders.

A 30 minute flow with hip openers, jumping rope and resistance band work!

Use this quick, effective 10 minute HIIT to super-charge your day or beat the afternoon slump!

A 13 minute morning meditation and yoga flow to start your day (skip the first minute to get right to the practice)!

A short explanation and guided practice of Central Channel Breathing, use it anytime of the day!

Your 12 minute soulful start!