A Space Between: Holistic Wellness for Menopause and Beyond is a reckoning. This captivating self-help debut, written in the tradition of storytelling, is both an inspiration and a guide through the transition of menopause. Whether you find yourself beginning to question your estrogen levels, waking up in the night soaked in sweat, noticing you’ve gained some unwanted belly fat, or perhaps have been postmenopausal for years, A Space Between has something for you.
Through six reflective chapters, readers will learn to break up with their old ways, write a new story, and cultivate a life of health and purpose. Marla is a certified holistic wellness coach, founder of INDIGO for menopausal women, a certified yoga instructor, and a Reiki practitioner. More importantly, she navigated the mapless journey of menopause alone and lived to tell her story. While she’s still on her path, she eagerly invites you to join her and learn to cultivate your best life.